понедельник, 17 августа 2009 г.

RMaps v.0.5.5

+ Compass on the map
+ About dialog
+ What's new dialog

6 комментариев:

  1. Привет, можно ли как то использовать
    существующий движок карт в своем приложении?
    Намек на опенсорс :) Мне очень понравилась фича с оффлайном.

  2. hi,
    First of all. Thank you!.I like your ramps very much. This is a very good tool.
    It is really very good software.

    Tell you one bug: The map of China, the position. Skew
    In G1, uses google map of the redaction, the GPS's positioning is correct. Ordinary map and satellite map.
    But use Rmaps, the position of the ordinary map is wrong, only the satellite map is correct.

    These contents are for your reference.

    Here, there are 4 pictures.

    2 above. Can confirm location ' It is correct that the satellite map is)
    Following 2, the position is wrong. (there is a deviation in the position of the ordinary map)

    The coordinate of the map: http://maps.google.com/maps? f =q&source =s _ q&hl=zh-CN&geocode =&q =&sll =40.07739,116.416712&sspn =0.003752,0.011072&ie =UTF8&ll =40.076183,116.421325&spn =0.008768,0.019205&z =16

    Perhaps, the reason of the data source.
    ditu.google.com _ It is China.

  3. Grea app, specially for offline capabilities.
    There ar two things:

    1. Switching between different user maps of the same area does not work (cached tiles not invalidated?). Current work around that works is app restart after map change.

    2. Markers feature would be really useful:
    - mark current position (as my hotel)
    - mark position in map center (where I want to go)
    - mybe a compass that shows in the directon of selected marker

  4. PS to my previous comment:

    I am a developer myself. If any help is needed...

  5. Этот комментарий был удален администратором блога.

  6. 1.) Model number: HTC Magic
    2.) Firmware Version 1.5
    3.) Baseband Version 62.50S.20.17U_2.22.19.26I
    4.) Kernel Version 2.6.27-00393-g6607056
    5.) Build Number CRC1

    Indexing is not working inside RMAPS 0.5.5 if I use SAS Planet software. Tried both big and small .tar files, google satelite and google map
